Erica Rivas
Erica has prior experience working as an administrative assistant/STARs coordinator. Currently, Erica performs various office duties at the Gordon Bernell MDC campus including orientation and the administration of the short cycle assessment- TABE. Erica has recently earned a certificate as a medical assistant and works part time at a family practice clinic.
Working for GORDON BERNELL is a great experience. It has been wonderful to see how the staff here wants to see their students succeed and make a positive change in their lives. The staff truly dedicates their time to “changing lives from the inside-out” and Erica is very grateful to be part of the team.
Working for GORDON BERNELL is a great experience. It has been wonderful to see how the staff here wants to see their students succeed and make a positive change in their lives. The staff truly dedicates their time to “changing lives from the inside-out” and Erica is very grateful to be part of the team.